September Theme: Live Wild

The very nature of nature is grounding. There is an inherent challenge that forces us to be present. We’re stripped from the illusions of our limitations and ultimately reacquainted with the intuitive nature of our being. Our wildish self. 

As women, it's imperative we tune in to our intuitive nature to access the parts of ourselves we tend to close off from our own hearts. So many of us have been tamed by our daily existence, by how society tells us to ‘behave’, but there is indeed a wild creature, a wild woman who exists in us all.

Allow a few of the paths you take in life to be filled with dirt and rocks and mud. I hope while you are on them you find comfort in your shadow, and I hope more than ever, you have the chance to breathe in the wisdom of the mountains. For the woman who finds herself amongst dirt, trees and wild things will always have something to bring back that fills her soul. She is howling, she is living wild.

This month, with the earthly influence of Virgo, try to slow down, and provide yourself the space to listen to what your heart (your wild woman) is calling out for. 

Identify your spiritual and emotional needs - write them down in your journal. Now, answer yourself this question: How can you express these spiritual and emotional needs while maintaining order in your everyday life?